Friday, July 31, 2009

Success Key: Focus

Did you know the ability to focus is one of the most basic needs for success? Many believe they have this capability yet further analysis quickly reveals they do not. We are in the age of instant messenging, cell phones, and Internet on the run. With all those things going on around us, it is easy to get distracted.

I once heard a quote on M*A*S*H that made a lot of sense. Winchester, the uptight Bostonian doctor, told the others that "he does one thing at a time, he does it well, then he moves on". This is a sound aspiration to have. The ability to focus our complete attention on one activity makes us much stronger.

Multi-tasking seems to be the mantra of the day. The problem with this idea is that the brain has the ability to only focus on one thing at a time (at the conscious level). Multi-tasking only serves to split our attention between two (or more) details. Simple division will lead you to understand that concentrating on two things at one time will make you 50% effective.

Actually, this idea is a bit misleading. As mentioned, the mind can only focus on one thing at a time. When you have two things going simultaneously, your attention truly switches back and forth between the two activities. Therefore, the mind is in 100% concentration yet it is constantly starting and stopping. This leads to ineffectiveness. The concept of momentum is another powerful tool for success and it is impossible to generate while switching in this manner.

To take your life to the next level, start to harness the power of the mind. Focusing on one thing at a time is how that is accomplished. This will take practice to develop the discipline. We are so trained to mentally be in many different areas at one time. For example, how many web browser do you have open at this moment? Obviously you can only view one page at a time. Nevertheless, most people have more than one tab open. Add to that the fact that the instant messenger is on and you can see how getting anything accomplished is tested.

The best way to start is to turn all that stuff of. Shut off the television, close the web browsers, and instant messenger to reduce distractions. Focus on only doing what is directly in front of you with complete attention. You will quickly notice how much more effective you are. Also, an added bonus is realized: you will get things done in a shorter period of time. The momentum developed by concentrating on one activity allows you to garner all the power of your mind. This is the foundation of success.


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