Tuesday, July 28, 2009

All People Are Not Equal

The Founding Fathers of the United States believed that all men are created equal. This is a fundamental premise of our system of justice. This is a belief that I hold true also. All of us are created with the same inalienable rights. However, that is where the equality stops.

Not all "men" are equal. It is a simple fact that some people make a much bigger impact on society and those around them. The idea that all people contribute the same is insane to me. Therefore, I feel it is an honest approach to look at what one does with his or her life.

Look at examples such as Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King, or Mother Teresa. Compare them to the likes of the local drug addict, crack whore, or pimp. Does the life of a career criminal hold any merit when contrasted with the wonderful achievements of an inner city counselor, youth minister, or teacher? The answer is no. Some choose to do something with the opportunities they are given in life. Others elect to throw it all away.

Where do you stand on this scale? Most people fall between the two extremes. Few of us attain such remarkable achievements that we become a household name. At the same time, we tend to keep our screw ups to a minimum while not making a career out of bad choices. Overall, we do our best and contribute where we can.

The idea behind sexual motivation is to lift your life to the next level. Wherever you are at in this moment, your life can move another step higher. For most, the required ingredient is action. Using the inbred desire called sex allows us to motivate ourselves to take action. Thinking about the sexual payoff will stimulate this behavior more than any other thought process I know. After all, we all love sex.

Consider this idea when you look at the people you encounter on a daily basis. How could their life be better? What contributions are they failing to make because they will not take action? Reflect with this same mindset upon your life. Determine where you can better apply these ideas. It is time that you move your life to another level.


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