Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sexual Conditioning

My basic premise is that people are too uptight about sex. It is something that society teaches us is not to be talked about. Yet, it is an act that most everyone engages in and is crucial for the survival of the species. Nevertheless, those who decide to live a free sexual life are labeled as being perverted. It is as if there is an unwritten social norm for proper sexual behavior. Of course, we do not uncover what it is until we move outside what is considered proper.

This conditioning is what causes people to miss one of the most powerful forces known to man. We all know the lengths that certain people will go to for sex. Usually the consequences are dire since it involves infidelity or some other social precept that is broken. Yet if we can harness this power for good, we can see our lives instantly changed for the better.

We are all conditioned sexually. Society, through parent, religion, and the education system, creates our beliefs. This is done through repetition. We hear the same statement made over and over until it is drilled into our minds. It is part of our conscious.

Most who grew up in the Christian faith will remember hearing something about sex outside the bounds of marriage being a sin. This is a fundamental tenet of this discipline. Since this is the most common faith in the Western world in terms of numbers, the majority of society has this idea programmed somewhere in their DNA. Then, it is reinforced each time we see a politician caught in the bed of another other than his wife (I am sure women politicians cheat too but it seems only the men get caught). They are on camera apologizing for their bad choices.

The conditioning gets even better. Researchers have proven that males need to ejaculate for health reasons. It is a natural process of the human body. Yet, growing up in the previous faith mentioned, I heard that masturbation will cause blindness. Fortunately, as a long time and tested self lover, I am happy to share I have 20/20 vision. Blindness did not occur. Perhaps I was misled by those who weren't looking out for my own best interest.

Normalcy is what society seeks. Our culture is based upon the premise of marriage between one man and one woman. It is what is best for the ongoing survival. Married people with families provide stability. I believe this is why there is so much resistance to any other definition for marriage. The culture depends upon this institution for social order.

Homosexuality, poly, bdsm, and other acts are considered taboo. The churches call them sins. Many states call them illegal with laws forbidding them. Thus, we are left with the concept of what normal is. It is not written down, explained, or published. Instead, there is an implying of what is considered appropriate behavior.

The most absurd concept we are taught is with regards to nudity. We are shown that we are suppose to "cover up". The human body is shown to be taboo. Looking at naked women (or men) is perverted and pornographic. Public nudity is forbidden. Films that show tits and asses receive a rating that is appropriate only for "mature audiences". To me, this is absurd.

As a long time practicing nudist I can tell you that there are only two categories people fall into. A visit to the nude beach will reveal there are either cocks or pussies. This is the only distinction. Everyone out there has an ass and a chest with two nipple on them. The sizes will vary but the equipment is the same. Yet we are suppose to cover all this up like it is unnatural.

We are born naked and everyone gets naked on a daily basis. In talking with many people over the years, I have yet to find anyone who showers with their clothing on. Everyone gets naked to bathe. It is a natural act. However, society tells us to do this in private like there is something wrong with it.

As you can see, there are all kinds of messages about sex and sexuality we receive from those who are in charge of message promotion. The media, religions, and influential people like parents all model our behavior. Over the years, this is the conditioning that leads us to unhealthy sexual conclusions. Engaging in activity outsides the bounds of what is acceptable makes many people feel guilty. And guilt is one of the most powerful behavioral modifying techniques there is. The churches of the world have used it for centuries. It is effective.

To be truly free, we need to break free of the social conditioning as it pertains to sex. Doing so will allow us to access the incredible power behind this motivator. A life designed around the acquisition of sex will be more successful than one that is not. People will do more for sex then they will do for love, money, or recognition. In fact, often these are acquired as a means to more sex. Money and power = sex. It is as old as the hills.

Look at your sexual conditioning and ask if it makes sense to you. Did you choose the beliefs that you presently have? If not, consider each one to see if it applies to you or not. This will establish the basic foundation that will allow you to move your life to the next level. Take it today.


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