Have you ever noticed how your expectations create the experience that you have? It is a proven fact that your mindset plays a crucial role in the success that you achieve. Like the old saying "whether you think you can or can't, you are right".
Everyone has fear, worry, and doubt. The difference is that the successful are able to cast aside these thoughts while taking action. At the same time, the unsuccessful allow these things to stop them. It is the primary reason why people succeed or fail.
Life is an action sport. However, it is the mind which typically dictates what action will be taken. Procrastination is a result of a thought process that prevents moving forward. The idea of "doing something later" is the default mindset for those who struggle with putting things off. It is the mindset which determines what is done.
Results are also a condition of the mind. Many disciplines profess the power of a positive mindset. Our lives are a reflection of what goes on in our heads. Those who believe they will succeed do.; those who do not, don't. If you have the mindset that an event will be boring and uninteresting, that is exactly what it will be. Our mind creates the outcome.
We see this play out repeatedly in the dating world. The guy who has the courage to ask a girl out while maintaining an attitude of confidence that she will agree (confidence, not arrogance), usually succeeds. The one who asks in a timid manner often experiences rejection. His mindset sabotaged the entire process.
The same situation plays out when it comes to sex. Those who approach the opposite sex in a manner which shows there is sexual interest and confidence will get laid. Sadly, many take the opposite track. They believe that women aren't interested in sex. They are sold on the idea that romance and emotional connection are what they want. This is true for many. However, there are a lot of women who are horny and want to get screwed. Those who understand this fact can move in an appropriate manner.
Success starts with knowing what outcome is desired. After that, it is crucial to have the mindset which says "I am going to achieve this outcome". Basic sales training teaches to enter a presentation expecting to get the sale. You have nothing to lose. Unfortunately, people are often conditioned to think the opposite way. They expect to fail and are surprised when things work out the way they want. This is a recipe for failure. Consistent success required a consistent success mindset. Begin by expecting only positive results today.
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