This is a major difference between the Elite and the average person. The majority of people have things happen to them while the successful make things happen. This causes the masses to play the blame game whereas the top of the hierarchy is taking action.
Success is a mental game. Sexual Motivation deals a great deal with the mental aspect of life. We are all conditioned by those around us. Our minds are like sponges absorbing all that people have to offer us. In the end, our entire belief system was created by other people. Few ever take the time to proactively choose what they think. Instead, we defend the ideas that are in our heads regardless of how they got there. This is insanity at its' best but something that most people engage upon daily.
In changing our lives, it is crucial to stop being held captive by those who raised us. As adults, we are free to think whatever we so choose. This is where the onset of freedom comes from. However, one can never be completely free until he or she assumes responsibility for all that happens in one's life. This is a major undertaking but one that makes all the difference.
Personal responsibility is only for those interest in joining the Elite. By adopting this outlook, one eliminates the ability to blame. Acceptance that you are responsible for all that happens in your life is the basic premise. This is the mindset that will separate you from everyone else.
Of course, we need to begin our acceptance when we reach the age of adulthood. There are things that happened as children where we were innocent and defenseless. Children are often victims. This I am not going to deny. However, as an adult you are free to choose how you process the past. Some are still hindered by it while others motivate themselves. The choice is up to you.
Each day we are making decisions. This is a part of the human existence. At the same time, everything that happens to us was a result of a previous decision. This is a concept that is crucial to grasp. People who take responsibility for themselves know that they decided to experience everything that happened to them. Any situation can be traced back to a decision that you made. Responsibility mandates that you follow this path backwards.
Those who disagree with this statement simply haven't chose to apply this concept. For example, one would say that he didn't choose to have his wife run off with the neighbor. Well, let me ask, 'who chose the wife and the neighborhood to live in'? Obviously, this man had some say in at least one of these events. If he had not married her, would his wife had run off with the neighbor? Obviously not since he would not have had a wife (or at least that one). You see, personal responsibility means that my choices led me to where I am today.
We can see this apply to any facet of our lives. Take a look at your career. Who was the one who chose that field? The answer is you did. People often complain about their bosses. As you can guess, I ask 'who keeps showing up each day'? Anything that takes place in your life is a natural process of a decision you made at some point in time.
This mindset removes the ability to play the victim. Here we have a pastime that is more popular than baseball and football put together. Almost everyone wants to be the victim. That is why most dwell at the lower levels of the hierarchy. Playing the victim has the payoff of sympathy. However, this is a commodity that is worthless in the success game. Being a victim is opting for helplessness. The Elite know that it is power that causes one to excel. They are victors as opposed to victims.
Whatever is in your life at this moment which causes you misery is a there because somewhere along the line you chose it. This is an idea that most fail to grasp. Nevertheless, as one who is working your way up the hierarchical ladder of success, it is crucial that you implement this into your life immediately. Victims never win. The only way for you to regain the power you gave away is to start taking responsibility for your life. Whomever you are blaming at a given moment has power over you. Resist this temptation and stop seeking sympathy. The only way to excel is to exert the power that resides within you. This means taking personal responsibility for your life.
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