Basically there are two camps: one who believes that the government is the answer to everything and, the other, which feels that government is a destructive force in people's lives. As a proponent of freedom, you can guess which side of the equation I fall upon.
Republican vs. Democrat
This is not a question of Republican versus Democrat. That is simply how the political lines fell in this argument. The truth is that it really is the powers in Washington versus the rest of us. This healthcare mess is only the latest in a long line of decisions that eroded out rights. Does anyone remember how the Bush Administration used the 9-11 situation to violate our privacy rights? This was a Republican group that felt the need to try to garner power at the expense of our liberties.
As you can imagine, being a writer and promoter of sex based literature, that my viewpoints with the religious right differs greatly. I have no problem with this on either side. If they want to hold views that are in opposition of mine, live and let live is my outlook. However, the problem arises when they try to silence my voice. This is the erosion of my freedom.
Therefore, you need to look at the world around you and ask, how important is freedom in your life? I could care less which side of the health debate you fall upon. Also, what political party you routinely vote for is of no importance either. My focus is how crucial do you feel freedom is in all areas of your life? If you think it something that means little, it is best for you to move to another site. My entire philosophy is based upon the separation from the "herd mentality" and a moving towards a self-proclaimed life.
They Steal Your Beliefs
This actually is not a correct statement for most people. The sad truth is most never take the time to develop their own belief system. They allow those around them to influence what they believe. Evidence of this is the clout the media wields over people's opinions. People are too ignorant to create their own ideas. Instead, they blindly buy into the outlook that they are most exposed to. Watch MSNBC and that puke Olbermann will result in liberal views. Become a Hannity knucklehead and you will lean right. These two individuals make big money because they can influence how people think. That is what draws people back to the networks.
In my book Sexual Motivation, I explained how important it is for you to formulate you own belief system. I referred to the topic of sexuality because it is one of the most powerful desires we have as human beings. However, most people toss away this by adopting the beliefs of what is considered normal. Millions of people struggle to find their path simply because they fall outside the desired norm. Whether you are polyamorous, gay, asexual, or promiscuous, society is against you. They will do whatever is necessary to try to get you to fall in line. Dogma will hound your every turn if you are not careful. This is their power.
I developed a belief system that has freedom at the core. This means that I live my sex life as I see fit. There are many activities that I am into that go contrary to what the typical person beliefs is appropriate. My feeling is the hell with them. I am not trying to control their sex life; they need to stay out of mine.
Of course, this is something that is not only affecting my sexual decisions. The bottom line is I detest anything that infringes upon my freedom, or the freedom of others. I believe that I can live my life as I see fit as long as it doesnt impede anyone else. That is what being an adult is all about. I am entitled to live as a free person as are you. Of course, the powerful detest this outlook.
Another Erosion of Freedoms
Whatever your belief, I will tell you that yesterday's vote was another level of erosion of our freedoms. The government, in it's true form, put out numbers that grossly underestimate the cost of this program. We see it with Medicare, Medicare, and Social Security. Trillions of dollars are owed by the American people because of these programs. Wreckless spending over the last few decades by the elected class (in both parties) put each of us in a hole we never can get out of. And, the American people, in their infinite wisdom, sat by while it happened. Sensible people would have stormed the Capitol last night. But, all is quiet in the streets.
People value security. That is why the political class can get away with their games. They simply offer to make people's lives easier. Of course, this is a crock of shit. Look at life in any Section 8 housing project in any major city. Those people live in a war zone. But they have the security of knowing their housing is paid for.
The "Elite" take a different track. In Sexual Motivation, I am very explicit about the fact that most people cannot handle the ideas contained in that book. Most are too conditioned to behave in ways that follow the herd. They are weak and will always be that way. In the hierarchy of life, they are at the bottom. This is the place they will remain. They are the victims in life. An "Elite" person is never a victim. Anyone who takes this stance deserves everything that he or she gets. Why should anyone worry about stepping on you if you are going to sit back and allow it? Your decision means that is your lot in life.
Make A Choice
You have a choice to make. Each of us only have two doors to pass through. One is labeled "freedom". Passing through this one will offer you an opportunity to live. The other is labeled as "security". This road leads to lifelong bondage. These are the only two choices we really have. Anything else is an illusion.
I will tell you 95% of the people choose "security". It is a myth that they bought into. The truth is that security does not exist when one is dependent. The only true security is found when one opts for freedom. Only free people are secure. They are the ones who retain power over their lives.
For this reason, I detest seeing a decision like last night. The power of Washington grew exponentially. We just took a major step down a slope that we started up dating back to World War II. It is high time people started to decide to be free. If not, bondage is in their future. They fail to see the sign "Welcome to Alcatraz".
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