Monday, January 25, 2010

Personal Values

What is it that you value the most in life? This is a question that few take the time to think about. However, it is crucial if you are ever to attain any degree of success in life.

Values are the things that "make us tick". If you want to know why you do something, just look at your values. Whatever you value highest is what you will follow most of the time. This is true regardless of what it is.

For example, what if you were confronted with the situation of being called into the office on a Saturday. Do you go? The answer to this question depends upon what your highest value is. If you are one who values family above all else, you will obviously choose that. On the other hand, if you career is the primary value you hold, then your Saturday will be spent at the office.

Most go through life unaware of what they value. They fail to sit down and map out what it is that means the most to them. Instead, they hold onto objects as a symbol of what they are really after. This leads to dissatisfaction since objects rarely providing lasting satisfaction. Only the fulfillment of one's values lead to a complete and happy life.

For me, freedom is one of my highest values. I place it above all else. Knowing this has allowed me to structure aspects of my life with this in mind. There are many areas which reflect this priority. At the same time, there are certain things that are present in my life which go counter to this ideal. These are the areas that I am still working on. Improvement is a lifelong challenge and structuring my life is a full time premise. My goal is to move closer each day to the eventual outcome I seek.

Spend some time thinking about what you value the most in life. It is an exercise which will net extreme rewards.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Society has a way of trying to implement it's philosophies and morality upon people. This is the essence of collective thought. It also is the method which the powerful have controlled the masses for centuries. The greatest threat to the establishment is the individual thinker.

It is no secret that the Catholic Church has ruled the masses throughout the ages. Its dogma has permeated the minds of millions upon millions. Ultimately, using the fear of eternal damnation, the Church was (and still is) able to control every aspect of one's life. Even the privacy of the bedroom is penetrated by the mindset of the Church.

Individualism provides us with another outlook. Without going into all the details which could take pages, we learn the individuals are free to choose whatever they want. Your individual mind is the most important contraption on this planet. It is up to you to develop what you can out of it. This includes you entire belief system. Your responsibility it to create one that works for you.

My writings all present an outlook that does not subscribe to fear. I know the lunacy of buying into the age-established concept that is meant to control my mind and my life. Do you see it too? Dogma, no matter who is the provider, is a way to enslave. It is true whether it comes from the altar or the capitol. Structured thought is the way of the weak. Those who fall into it are bound to live as slaves. This is supported by bounds of examples throughout history.

Sexual motivation tells you to break free from the ridiculous dogma affecting the majority of society. The teachings that were presented to us remove the basic instinctual power that is present within all of us. Since we are conditioned to behave in a certain way, we suppress that which is our greatest ally: our personal sexual desires.

Men are taught that we must be respectful. Women love a man who can cry. These are the themes that are presented by the collective mindset. In other words, a man is not to be a man. The natural desire for sexual conquest needs to be suppressed. We are told that is not how mature, evolved human beings behave. I say bullcrap to that.

On the flip side, women are to be virtuous and virginal. They are also taught to suppress the natural desires in quest of being considered a "good girl". Society promotes this belief starting at a young age in an effort to indoctrinate and create obedience. Those who stray from the collective belief are called "slut" and "whore". Once again, we see control exerted over behavior.

The elite do not buy into these concepts. Those who excel understand what it means to be an individual. It bears a great deal of responsibility yet is the only true path to freedom. Utilizing all your desires for personal gain is what life is all about. Naturally, we are not talking about stepping on the rights of others. There is a proper ethical protocol that we are all to subscribe to. However, we are not to blindly obey the teachings of those who are intent on enslaving us with their collectivism.

The individual mind is the most powerful weapon on the planet. All great achievements originated in the mind of an individual. This is why societies have fought to stamp this out of people for so many centuries. Sexual motivation is imploring your to regain the power that exists within you naturally. Do not let the idea that you are going to be called a slut deter you from tapping into this miraculous power. Ultimately, it is still your life to live. All achievement, or lack thereof, is your responsibility.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What is the thing that You struggle with the most in being a Master?

The thing that I struggle most with being a Master is to be fair. This might sound strange, but the tendency to overlook when I am in the wrong is great. When someone submits and is completely obedient, it takes a lot for one to look at where he or she might have wronged a slave. This necessitates monitoring myself to look for errors in judgment.

A Master needs to be firm but fair. A slave is not one who is there to be abused. Fairness ensures that he or she is not abused but treated like a person.

Ask me anything

Standing On Your Own Two Feet

Sexual motivation presumes that you are one of those people who wants to stand on your own two feet. I just got done reading "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. In it, the producers all go on strike because they are tired of being taken advantage of by the "moochers" (politicians, professors, unions, and welfare seekers). They remove themselves from the abuse of society which leads to its' decay.

Naturally, I could go into a long political discussion about the present day events. I will spare you the details of that. However, it is important to note that there is a certain mindset which needs to be emphasized. People who are "elite" have the idea that they are the ones who make things happen. It is they who take the action that brings about results. When things do not transpire as planned, these are the ones who resist the temptation to blame others for what occurred. Instead, they survey the present situation in an effort to find a solution. We can only move from the point that we are at.

Are you one who wants to blame others for you plight? If you are, sexual motivation will not work for you. It is something that is beneficial to those who want to produce. Action is the key to getting results. Being responsible for your life starts in your mind. This is where personal power comes from.

Being sexually driven is something that most people can tap into. Nevertheless, there is no need to do that if the your main objective is to get home in time to watch reruns of some television program. There needs to be more.

John Galt, one of the main characters in Atlas Shrugged gives a speech where he shows the separation in the mindset of the two classes of people. Producers believe in the power of the mind. It is the ability of one's mind to create that separates us from the animal kingdom. What are you doing with yours?

Use your sexual motivation to create more in your life. There are unlimited opportunities in this world today. Even though things are difficult, there is wealth being created in all areas of life. While your financial life might not be spectacular, you can take action to create an improved body. Notice the key word, YOU. Sexual motivation taps into the power within you to get the results in your life.

Start the process by seeking to stand on your own two feet. Nobody else is to blame for how your life is. If there is something that you do not like, then begin to make the changes necessary to improve your circumstances.