Sunday, January 24, 2010


Society has a way of trying to implement it's philosophies and morality upon people. This is the essence of collective thought. It also is the method which the powerful have controlled the masses for centuries. The greatest threat to the establishment is the individual thinker.

It is no secret that the Catholic Church has ruled the masses throughout the ages. Its dogma has permeated the minds of millions upon millions. Ultimately, using the fear of eternal damnation, the Church was (and still is) able to control every aspect of one's life. Even the privacy of the bedroom is penetrated by the mindset of the Church.

Individualism provides us with another outlook. Without going into all the details which could take pages, we learn the individuals are free to choose whatever they want. Your individual mind is the most important contraption on this planet. It is up to you to develop what you can out of it. This includes you entire belief system. Your responsibility it to create one that works for you.

My writings all present an outlook that does not subscribe to fear. I know the lunacy of buying into the age-established concept that is meant to control my mind and my life. Do you see it too? Dogma, no matter who is the provider, is a way to enslave. It is true whether it comes from the altar or the capitol. Structured thought is the way of the weak. Those who fall into it are bound to live as slaves. This is supported by bounds of examples throughout history.

Sexual motivation tells you to break free from the ridiculous dogma affecting the majority of society. The teachings that were presented to us remove the basic instinctual power that is present within all of us. Since we are conditioned to behave in a certain way, we suppress that which is our greatest ally: our personal sexual desires.

Men are taught that we must be respectful. Women love a man who can cry. These are the themes that are presented by the collective mindset. In other words, a man is not to be a man. The natural desire for sexual conquest needs to be suppressed. We are told that is not how mature, evolved human beings behave. I say bullcrap to that.

On the flip side, women are to be virtuous and virginal. They are also taught to suppress the natural desires in quest of being considered a "good girl". Society promotes this belief starting at a young age in an effort to indoctrinate and create obedience. Those who stray from the collective belief are called "slut" and "whore". Once again, we see control exerted over behavior.

The elite do not buy into these concepts. Those who excel understand what it means to be an individual. It bears a great deal of responsibility yet is the only true path to freedom. Utilizing all your desires for personal gain is what life is all about. Naturally, we are not talking about stepping on the rights of others. There is a proper ethical protocol that we are all to subscribe to. However, we are not to blindly obey the teachings of those who are intent on enslaving us with their collectivism.

The individual mind is the most powerful weapon on the planet. All great achievements originated in the mind of an individual. This is why societies have fought to stamp this out of people for so many centuries. Sexual motivation is imploring your to regain the power that exists within you naturally. Do not let the idea that you are going to be called a slut deter you from tapping into this miraculous power. Ultimately, it is still your life to live. All achievement, or lack thereof, is your responsibility.


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