Saturday, September 12, 2009

Giving Away Your Sex Life

Who controls your sex life? Are you one of those people who believes that you do? Do you really believe that? If so, have you ever thought about your sexual beliefs? My hypothesis is that you have not. Few people ever consider what they believe. They simply accept those beliefs as truth.

My experience is that most people give their sex lives away. They do not forge their own sexual lifestyle. Instead, they allow the influences of others to hold power over them. In the end, it is others who are dictating what one does sexually.

If you feel this untrue, look at all those one will consider before having sex. How many people feel guilty about having sex outside of marriage? Obviously, they are allowing the influence of the religious zealot to affect how they feel about their sexual activities. Peers also have a way of directing who we will sleep with. Many people fall prey to worrying what their friends will think before going to bed with someone who is "less than desirable".

All these different groups hold power over the masses. Society uses sex as a method of maintaining the order it wants. Sex is the second most powerful desire next to the desire to live. Anyone who can control the sex desire controls the person. Religions, long the power base in historical societies, have done this for centuries. Sex outside of marriage is a sin, period. And, certain sex acts within the marriage are also sins.

If you buy into any of this stuff then you are giving away your sex life. Individual power does not come by doing that. This is one of the reasons why I believe that sex as a motivator is never used. People do not retain the power over their sex lives. It is something that they freely toss to another (person or institution) without a thought. If you are to live according to the ideals of sex as a motivator, you must take this power back.

Personal development begins with the inward search as to what makes you go. We all have natural inclinations that are present within us. Some are consistent with humanity while others are particular to certain people. Those who question the beliefs and ideals that are instilled by others are those who have a chance of breaking free. Freedom ultimately leads to success. Bondage or imprisonment (of the mind) always ends in failure. Giving away your sex life is a catastrophic failure.

It is best to recognize others for what they are. Everyone seeks to assume control. It is a basic tenet of humanity. This is true at the level of the individual, group, or society. A government wants to have control over the masses. Politicians continually seek to gain more power. Religious entities promise eternal damnation without adherence to their beliefs. Parents want the happiness of their children as long as it fits into the parameters they choose. Everywhere you turn, someone is going to influence how you think.

Start by regaining your sex life back. Sit down and decide what you want sexually. How can you exercise the natural power that is within you to make yourself happier and more successful? Where are you presently altering your behavior to satisfy the beliefs of another? These are all ideas which will help you to shape the sex life that you desire.


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