My daughter and a couple of her friends came to visit me this weekend. She lives an hour away so that means a fair bit of car time both to and fro. Like most teenagers, they wanted to listen to the radio. Naturally, the idea of listening to my type of music was out of the question. Being a product of the 80s, I am still a fan of the hair bands. Yet, the choice in the car was R&B and Rap.
I fess up to attempting to stay up with certain types of music. However, I was amazed at the blatant references to sex in almost every song. There was a song which was titled "Birthday Sex". As you can imagine, the references were not disguised very well. While the innuendo existed in music 20 years ago, the sexual connotations today are apparent. And we wonder why kids grow up so quickly.
My point is that the record companies know that kids are the main buyers of music. The greatest percentage of cds sold are to those under 25. If they do not get the buyers by the time they are 25, they are probably lost forever. Naturally, responsibility begins to take over at that age and disposable income is limited. In short, music buyers are young.
The sexual messages delivered to our youth is conditioning them to be open to "sexual marketing". No longer is the beat or ability to sing the primary buying reason. The artist load their albums with sexually laced lyrics to entice those in their teen years to buy their product. Young minds are impressionable and marketers know this. When one becomes conditioned to a certain way things are done, then they fail to realize when they are moved further down the path.
This is just another example of how powerful sex is. The messages heard in lyrics help us to believe the importance of this end. Everything is about getting laid. Of course, this is coupled with a natural condition (the human condition) where the sexual desire is the most powerful emotion there is. When stimulated, it takes people to the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. We see how it is a driving force in people's lives.
Do not underestimate the power that resides within you. There is a 500 horsepower engine under your hood waiting to be released. Sadly, most leave it in the garage since they are trained it is not appropriate to take it out in public. The Western culture provides a mixed sexual message. Madison Avenue pushes sex while the majority of society treats it like it is something to be shunned. The bottom line is that sex is a powerful motivation tool that will take your life to another level rather quickly. Some will say it is shallow. I say that it is effective. Use it.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sex Ruling The Powerful
Last week, the Governor of South Carolina, Marc Sanford, admitted to having an affair with a woman in Argentina. Instantly we heard the calls for his resignation. This is just another one of the long list of politicians who got involved in an illicit affair.
Perhaps the most famous affair in the last few decades was Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky. This made headlines with the resulting grand jury perjury charge ending with Clinton being impeached. Fortunately for him the Congress didnt press the trial to have him removed from office.
This shows the power of man's sex drive. The powerful show what they are willing to throw everything away to fulfill this desire. Careers are ruined and fortunes are lost. Nevertheless, society fails to acknowledge the power this emotion has over people. Instead we call them names to condone our own behavior.
The truth is that sex is a part of our lives and the desire for sex will push mankind to do all kinds of insane things. To try and turn off that emotion is futile and foolhardy. At the end of the day, we either embrace it or get run over by it. These men mentioned previously chose to get run over by it.
Deep down I believe that everyone wants sex. The only reason people are not more honest with themselves about this is because society has conditioned them to suppress it. Hedonists are not held in high regard. We are taught that civilized people "control" themselves.
Sadly, used properly sex is one of the greatest motivators ever. We saw how it can almost destroy the "most powerful man in the world" and his career. If it can do this, then it can also move the largest of mountains. It is all in how it is utilized.
I like to think of how all my actions affect my sex life. This seems odd at first. However, with a little practice, it is amazing how motivated one becomes. The desire for sex motivates me to take action even when I feel least like it. If I believe (it is the belief, reality is not important) that something will result in me having more sex, I will take that action. The trick is to see a sexual benefit in all that I need to do.
We will cover more on this in the future. Nevertheless, for now, understand the power that sex has over mankind and how it can be harnessed to create a sensational life.
Perhaps the most famous affair in the last few decades was Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky. This made headlines with the resulting grand jury perjury charge ending with Clinton being impeached. Fortunately for him the Congress didnt press the trial to have him removed from office.
This shows the power of man's sex drive. The powerful show what they are willing to throw everything away to fulfill this desire. Careers are ruined and fortunes are lost. Nevertheless, society fails to acknowledge the power this emotion has over people. Instead we call them names to condone our own behavior.
The truth is that sex is a part of our lives and the desire for sex will push mankind to do all kinds of insane things. To try and turn off that emotion is futile and foolhardy. At the end of the day, we either embrace it or get run over by it. These men mentioned previously chose to get run over by it.
Deep down I believe that everyone wants sex. The only reason people are not more honest with themselves about this is because society has conditioned them to suppress it. Hedonists are not held in high regard. We are taught that civilized people "control" themselves.
Sadly, used properly sex is one of the greatest motivators ever. We saw how it can almost destroy the "most powerful man in the world" and his career. If it can do this, then it can also move the largest of mountains. It is all in how it is utilized.
I like to think of how all my actions affect my sex life. This seems odd at first. However, with a little practice, it is amazing how motivated one becomes. The desire for sex motivates me to take action even when I feel least like it. If I believe (it is the belief, reality is not important) that something will result in me having more sex, I will take that action. The trick is to see a sexual benefit in all that I need to do.
We will cover more on this in the future. Nevertheless, for now, understand the power that sex has over mankind and how it can be harnessed to create a sensational life.
bill clinton,
dennis najee,
marc sanford,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sex for money or money for sex?
In most of the United States it is illegal to overtly trade sex for money. With the exception of certain parts of Nevada, prostitution is illegal. The act of providing sexual favors in exchange for currency will land you in jail. Nevertheless, the overt practice of this is forbidden; that is not to say there are not other methods employed.
It always struck me as odd that our culture outlaws prostitution while allows a porn actor or actress to get paid for having sex on film. Of course, up until the 1970s, there were laws which made this illegal too. Society advanced to the stage where it deemed this permissible. Nevertheless, it still feels that prostitution is an offense worthy of incarceration.
While sex for money is frowned upon, money for sex is something that is promoted. We see it plastered all over the movies and commercials. Success is always denoted with a beautiful woman or handsome man. The connotation is that having more of the resources (power) equates to having more of the opposite sex. Have you ever noticed the fantasies depicted in beer commercials? It is interesting that there is usually more than one beautiful woman there. Again, the idea is that more is better.
Sex is a powerful motivator. It is used to get us to buy a certain beer, automobile or house. Marketers know this and use it accordingly. If it can be used to separate us from our money can it also be used to help us acquire more money? Of course it can. Sex is the most powerful weapon against procrastination on the planet. Promise someone more sex and they will take the necessary action.
It is no secret that the affluent enjoy greater benefits sexually. Wealthy men tend to have sexy, younger women on their arms. Both seem equally happy. At the same time, we are starting to see older affluent women with younger men. What was once taboo in the culture is now acceptable.
Do you want to become more? Consider the difference in sexual partners available in the next tax bracket up. Stereotypically, the most unattractive are the "trailer trash" while the rich are the most attractive. While individuals vary this is generally true. If you are able to move up in wealth, do you think you stand a greater chance of attracting a better partner? Will you be able to fulfill your sexual fantasies? I surmise this possibility is enhanced when you have a Mercedes as opposed to a Kia. If you doubt the validity of this, take a look at our society. This lesson is everywhere.
Remember, sex is a powerful motivator. Use it to get off your duff and make something of yourself. All your dreams can come true if you will take the action necessary to get there. Do it now.
It always struck me as odd that our culture outlaws prostitution while allows a porn actor or actress to get paid for having sex on film. Of course, up until the 1970s, there were laws which made this illegal too. Society advanced to the stage where it deemed this permissible. Nevertheless, it still feels that prostitution is an offense worthy of incarceration.
While sex for money is frowned upon, money for sex is something that is promoted. We see it plastered all over the movies and commercials. Success is always denoted with a beautiful woman or handsome man. The connotation is that having more of the resources (power) equates to having more of the opposite sex. Have you ever noticed the fantasies depicted in beer commercials? It is interesting that there is usually more than one beautiful woman there. Again, the idea is that more is better.
Sex is a powerful motivator. It is used to get us to buy a certain beer, automobile or house. Marketers know this and use it accordingly. If it can be used to separate us from our money can it also be used to help us acquire more money? Of course it can. Sex is the most powerful weapon against procrastination on the planet. Promise someone more sex and they will take the necessary action.
It is no secret that the affluent enjoy greater benefits sexually. Wealthy men tend to have sexy, younger women on their arms. Both seem equally happy. At the same time, we are starting to see older affluent women with younger men. What was once taboo in the culture is now acceptable.
Do you want to become more? Consider the difference in sexual partners available in the next tax bracket up. Stereotypically, the most unattractive are the "trailer trash" while the rich are the most attractive. While individuals vary this is generally true. If you are able to move up in wealth, do you think you stand a greater chance of attracting a better partner? Will you be able to fulfill your sexual fantasies? I surmise this possibility is enhanced when you have a Mercedes as opposed to a Kia. If you doubt the validity of this, take a look at our society. This lesson is everywhere.
Remember, sex is a powerful motivator. Use it to get off your duff and make something of yourself. All your dreams can come true if you will take the action necessary to get there. Do it now.
dennis najee,
Sex As A Motivator
Sex is one of the strongest emotions that people have. It makes men do things that are totally self defeating. There are hundreds of examples of powerful men throwing everything away for sex. It is something that has baffled researchers for decades.
Nevertheless, I am not here to figure out the primal urges of man. I simply accept that they exist and work with it. Since we know that the sex desire is so strong, let's use it for our advantage. It is time people start to readily accept this fact to push their life to greater heights.
When you think about it, most of what we do has a sexual thought behind it. Marketers know this well. The old saying "sex sells" holds true year after year. People are continually thinking about what the opposite sex will think. This is something that is conditioned within us even without our knowledge. Most times people are subconscious about it. Nevertheless, it is there.
Consider the concept of luxury automobiles. Why do people spend an amount equal to a decent house for a car? Who are the buyers of vehicles like Corvettes, Jaguar, and Porsche? If we analyze the statistics we understand that most of the buyers are male. And, they buy these cars because of the image it presents. In other words, is it a "chick magnet"? The marketers of these automobiles know this and use it to their advantage. That is why there is always a hot girl in the car ads.
The same holds true for women. Look at how they dress. Women will spend large sums of money making their appearance look top-notch. They are taught to do this to attract the right man. Even though society has changed, these generational ideas of yesteryear still persist. Women take great care to do their hair, make up and to wear the finest clothing. They also work out regularly to keep themselves fit. Basically, they want to maintain the sex appeal.
Our sex desire is powerful. Use it to get yourself motivated to take the action you are putting off. The easiest area to begin is with your body. This is what is judged first. Think of all the sex you will get if you lose the 50 extra pounds you are carrying. Make a game of it. Perhaps use this as a motivational tool with your partner (sexual not business). Offer sex as a reward for activities completed. You will be amazed how the motivation level skyrockets.
dennis najee,